Category: News

empty streets of new york city under coronavirus
Reimagining debt collection in a post-coronavirus world

During these extraordinary times, governments in several countries were quick in supporting consumers facing a tough economic crisis. Households and businesses alike are increasing their already all-time high debt levels due to the worlwide spread of the coronavirus. How will…

CollectionHub: New Terms and Conditions

    From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, February 4, 2020 12:58 PM Subject: CollectionHub: New Terms and Conditions Attachments: T&C February 2020.pdf Good afternoon, Following on from my email this morning,  I’m writing to let you know that CollectionHub’s General terms…

A letter from our new director

The board of directors and our parent company, Eldar Ventures, have given me the mandate to run Collection Hub starting February 2020. I welcome this challenge, although it was unexpected. I joined Collection Hub just as unexpectedly in May 2018,…

SingularityU’s Bertolone takes on directorship at Collection Hub.

The Board of Directors of Collection Hub and parent company Eldar Ventures announced today they appointed Simone Bertolone as the new Managing Director of the company. Collection Hub’s first Chief Executive Jakub Mahdal will be taking some extremely deserved time…