Category: Startups

Automating Invoice Reconciliation for Enterprises

According to a survey conducted during the CFO virtual agenda, almost 30% of senior finance executives revealed that they had recognized order to cash automation and invoice reconciliation as a necessity in the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic. Automatizing manual, noncomplex…

SingularityU’s Bertolone takes on directorship at Collection Hub.

The Board of Directors of Collection Hub and parent company Eldar Ventures announced today they appointed Simone Bertolone as the new Managing Director of the company. Collection Hub’s first Chief Executive Jakub Mahdal will be taking some extremely deserved time…

Apple Card Fintech
What is Fintech, anyway?

Fintech, short for financial technology, is one of the fastest-growing industries and it is expected to grow at an even faster rate in the next 5 years. You have undoubtedly come across the term multiple times, often next to some…

collectionhub banner
Fintech Startups transforming debt collection (2021)

The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has hit the global economy harshly. The recent slight decline in the worldwide debt notwithstanding – the first in 10 quarters-, the debt-to-GDP is still hovering at all-time highs. In mature markets, financial debt has decreased…