Find factoring companies


Sell your credit invoices today for up to 97.5%. Unlock your hidden revenue.

Integrate our industry leading solution and get cash for your credit invoices. Find, browse and compare factoring companies.


Invoiced Amount:

Your contract is:

Here's an estimate of how much you'll cash out within 48 hours:

Factoring turns your invoices into immediate cash.

Ease and peace of mind

One button is all it takes to request, find and accept a quote.

Only work with the absolute best

We only cooperate with the best factoring companies, and continously monitor their performance to let them operate on our platform.

Set up automated financing.

Extend credit to your customers with confidence: you’ll get paid within the same week anyway.

Add a completely secure line of cash generation for your company

Invoice finance is the safest andh cheapest line of credit your company can get. Through our platform, you can also choose the best possible offer anywhere in the world.

As much as £70 billion is owed to UK SMEs in late payments every year, a phenomenon that negatively impacts productivity, investment and cash flow. Unlock your hidden cash and gain an advantage over your competitors.

Borders never trouble us. We have built the most extensive and loyal network in the industry, and we are making it available to you at no extra cost. All of the accounting is handled by us in London, it doesn’t matter where your customer is.

Go global with a single integration

Over 130 Countries

There’s no bigger network in the industry than ours. We have successfully completed transactions in all corners of the world. We have an international mindset and are here to assist you.

Hundreds of agencies

During the years, we have built an extensive network of local, mid-sized debt collection, law firms and factoring agencies to cover all of your invoices needs. Our partners have a deep knowledge of your international customers’ language and the culture, and they are prepared to take all possible steps to help you.

Multi-language support

Take advantage of our world-famous support: we’ll go above and beyond to see you succeed.

Talk with one of our experts

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Hey, name of the company, we want to help you unlock hidden revenue in your clients. Every year, roughly 20% of their invoices are going to not be paid, and they'll need someone to collect them. They will pay "x%" of their invoices to debt collectors. Blablabla. Here, now do the math: